MMag.Thomas Breuss

Core Areas

Banking Law &
Capital Market Law

Litigation &
Procedural Law

Data Protection Law &
Digital Regulatory Law

Data Protection Law & Digital Supervisory Law

Banking Law & Capital Market Law

Litigation & Procedural Law +436644583846


Networking and Interdisciplinarity
I work on complex issues with a well-maintained network of experts from a wide range of disciplines.
Data Protection Law and Digital Supervisory Law
Regulations relating to data and IT, especially the GDPR, artificial intelligence, outsourcing rules of credit institutions.
Radical focus on the firm's core topics as a long-term strategy.
Procedural Law and Litigation
Public and private law proceedings, especially in relation to banking and capital markets law and digital legal issues.
Direct/personal support from the legal expert, at all times and with full commitment.
Banking Law and Capital Market Law
Focus on supervisory law, but also all other subject areas.


For example:
  • Checking planned data processing for legal compliance
  • Checking the legal conformity of new services
  • Checking the legal conformity, effectiveness / efficiency of internal company manuals and processes
  • Review of the deletion concept under data protection law
  • Draft or revision of manuals
  • Advice on the development of internal company processes
  • Advice on the adaptation of contracts
  • Civil proceedings for banks and insurance companies
  • Litigation for damages
  • Administrative offence proceedings
  • Proceedings under the AVG, e.g. concession applications, owner control proceedings, mergers and demergers, etc
  • Support in criminal proceedings
  • Fit & Proper procedures
  • Requests from the data protection authority, e.g. in the context of a data breach
  • Defense against abusive requests for information
  • Data protection information requests for other procedures
  • Contract revisions Art 28 GDPR


Portrait Thomas Breuss
RA MMag. Thomas Breuss

Professional and Project Experience

2022 - ongoing
Lawyer / Managing Director
2014 - 2021

    Head of the banking supervisory law and data protection law department with a team of eight at peak times:
  • Administrative penalty proceedings
  • Fit & Proper procedures
  • Defense against abusive data protection requests
  • Bank licensing
  • Transformation
  • Data Protection Officer
  • Project support, data protection deletion concepts in the banking environment
  • Advising the data protection officer in the banking and insurance environment
  • Fit & Proper training courses
2013 - 2014

    Team Dr. Markus Fellner, focus on procedural law; banking and capital markets regulatory law, in particular:
  • Civil court proceedings
  • Head of the debt collection department
  • Administrative penalty proceedings
  • Insolvency proceedings
  • Fit & Proper training courses
2009 - 2012

    Team Dr. Ernst Brandl, focus on procedural law; banking and capital market regulatory law:
  • Numerous bank-related and securities firm-related administrative criminal cases
  • Numerous civil court proceedings, in particular for investor defense
  • Legal opinion on claims for damages
2008 - 2009

    BGHS Vienna, Vienna Regional Criminal Court, Korneuburg Regional Labor and Social Court


2011 - ongoing
  • Numerous smaller publications in various media (e.g. Wirtschaftsblatt, Fonds Professionell, Börse Express, EY magazines etc. (2011 - ongoing)
  • Knoll/Breuss, The retention of personal data for the purpose of prosecution, jusIT 2019/11.
  • Breuss/Wollmann,Criminal liability of companies in administrative criminal law?, ecolex 2018, 1140. (2018)
  • Breuss/Plansky/Steiner/Wilhelm, The "banking package", in Marschner/Stefaner (eds.), Steuerreform 2015/2016. (2015)
  • Fellner/Breuss, Art 137 B-VG: Enrichment law reversal of penalty interest or penalty payments, RdW 2013/701.
  • Brandl/Breuss, Market manipulation and reliability as a manager, ecolex 2011, 500. (2011)
  • Breuss, Market manipulation by investors on the Internet, in: Jaksch-Ratajczak, Aktuelle Rechtsfragen der Internetnutzung: Band 2. (2011)
Bar Exam
2000 - 2008
Study of Law
1999 - 2008
Study of International Economics